International Ukrainian adoption has started up again as I mentioned in Ukrainian Adoption Happening: Sept 6 Appointment.
And Starbucks Loving Mommy has another interesting post about her adoption experience so far. She has her referral and is traveling by train to the Oblast.
RUMOR REMINDER: Remember to have thick skin and don’t let the rumors below or the waiting drive you crazy.
Several people have posted to FRUA’s board about their successful appointments at the SDA. So far everyone has been looking to adopt a known child. They either know the child because the family hosted the child. (hosting = Family pays travel expenses for child to visit the United States) Or the family is adopting their child’s bio-sibling.
One rumor that was posted…. The October appointment list is posted on the SDA’s wall. Another person stated the October appointment list was NOT posted. Then a third person suggested that the first family only saw the list of registration numbers.
There has been a list posted (on the SDA wall) for some time. It has all the registration numbers and their “dossier status”.
Then a fourth person mentioned that the US Embassy in Kyiv doesn’t believe the October appointments have been posted.
So it looks like everyone is still waiting on the October appointment list.
And there may be some pending Ukrainian legislation that will make it illegal for single men to adopt. At this moment single women, men and married couples can adopt from Ukraine. What are the odds that it will pass? I just don’t know enough about Ukrainian politics to say. Sorry….
Also it looks like families aren’t getting appointments if their dossier paperwork isn’t current.
Post Adoption Reports….
You may remember that Ukraine shutdown adoption in late 2005 (they refused to accept new dossiers but were processing adoptions with approved dossiers) because post adoption reports were missing. Anyone who adopts from Ukraine has to sign a statement that they will provide these annual/tri-annual reports. They are filled in by the parents and very much like a Christmas letters (some nice pictures and child’s accomplishments for the year).
German, Spanish and Canadian families found and turned in all their missing post adoption reports back in Feb 2006. French families have now finally got all their missing reports turned in.
American families still owe post adoption reports. The SDA stated they will start accepting new dossiers after Jan 2007 (no specific date supplied). The US Embassy in Kyiv has asked several times if Americans will be able to file new dossiers. So far no concrete answer has been supplied. The SDA hasn’t said no.
Hosting a Ukrainian Child
List of Hosting Programs